A meal is the most important issue to maintain our health and to cook safety should be its first priority. Takatsuki Food Service has never caused a trouble of food poisoning for 30 years since foundation. From now on, we continue to think our customer's health first and never use unreliable food and to create a tastier meal. Our aim is to be a general food service company, which contributes to the community through meal.
What is fresh food? Even if we can buy in really fresh vegetables or fruits sent direct from the habitat, they'll be no longer fresh if they'd be kept in a refrigerator during a day. It's important for us to cook all food in the day we buy them in. We really want our customers eat our meals tasty as fresh as possible. "Cook food fresh as it is",this is a very principal issue and our complete rational system makes it possible.
What is safety meal? Is it true that anybody can serve "safety meal" if they use organically-grown vegetables only in a totally sterilized kitchen? We believe that the important issue to cook is a cook's "heart". We believe that the food which our customers eat is what we eat. This is the reason why we can supply "safety meal".
"To supply meals for our customer's health and smile",it will end up to our self-satisfaction if we supply meals sincerely just as a food service company. We always think about our customer's needs and would like to be honest to them. If we had complain a lot, we would strive for solutions and finally our customers would say "we really trust the company".
 Takatsuki Food Service Co.,Ltd

 2-11 Takatsuki-cho, Takatsuki-City,
 Osaka, Japan 569-0803



 July 1, 1973


 History of Takatsuki Food Service
 Supply meals and manage diners
  in hospitals and offices
 Supply meals and manage diners
  in public schools and private schools.
 Manage office stores and school stores.
 Catering services and boxed lunch sales.
 Manage cafeterias.

 Yasuji Kitano, chairman
 Atsuyoshi Ida, CEO
 Yoshiko Ida, senior managing director
 Junichi Kitano, director, the head of the
  management and planning department
 Setsuo Ikeshita, auditor

 200 employees, as of September, 2003

MEG - Matsushita Enterprise Group Since 1935. Copyright 2003 All rights reserved.